619-464-3477 [email protected]

Traffic Signal Timing

Whether you call them Traffic Signals, Traffic Lights, Stop Lights, or Go Lights, the primary purpose of these devices is to regulate traffic flow with a minimum of disruption and wait time for any and all of the traffic moving through a given intersection.

Who had the green?

One of the potential issues to be dealt with in intersection accidents is determining “Who had the green?” This question necessitates careful examination of various factors. Our staff relies not only on scene documentation and vehicle damage records but also on witness statements regarding traffic movements before and after the collision, the TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN, and the TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING PLAN.

At present, without a photograph capturing the intersection’s signal heads at the time of the collision, it’s challenging to definitively state which movement had a green light at a specific time on a certain day. However, a thorough review of documents and witness testimonies often allows us to reasonably determine which party had the green signal light when the collision occurred.

Daniel Vomhof III, during his tenure at the City of La Mesa in the Traffic Engineering Section, extensively worked with traffic signal timing. Alongside troubleshooting signal timing issues to enhance traffic flow, he collaborated with the La Mesa PD on multiple occasions involving accidents at signalized intersections where concerns about determining the green signal arose.

Since returning to Expert Witness Services, Inc. full-time, Mr. Vomhof has contributed to over 70 cases as both a primary and support consultant, offering insights into “Who had the green?” based on evidence and traffic signal timing plans. His experience, education, and training in Traffic Signals and Vehicle Accident Investigation and Reconstruction equip him with specialized knowledge crucial for evaluating Traffic Signal timing within the context of vehicle collisions.

This unique blend of expertise is often absent from the toolkit of most Traffic Engineers, Civil Engineers, and Accident Reconstructionists, who typically specialize in one aspect or the other but rarely possess proficiency in both.

8387 University Avenue – La Mesa, CA 91942

Phone: 619-464-3477

Fax: 619-464-2206

[email protected]

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